
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017

El arte pictórico del iberoamericano Manuel Ruiz

Periódico y fuente: El Liberal , Santiago del Estero , Argentina El arte pictórico del iberoamericano Manuel Ruiz concentró el interés del público en Plaza Libertad. Portando telas, caballetes y colores, se instaló en la vieja glorieta y cautivó a los presentes de forma rápida, simple y totalmente creativa de llevar la idea a la práctica en un verdadero show que es novedad para el santiagueño que transita las calles del sábado.

Manuel Ruiz, pintor andaluz que triunfó en EE.UU. y Sudamérica, ha fijado su residencia en Marbella

Manuel Ruiz, pintor andaluz que triunfó en EE.UU. y Sudamérica, ha fijado su residencia en Marbella Fue «Hombre del Año» en Estados Unidos                                                                                                                                              ...

Lions auction aids Hadley school

Lions auction aids Hadley school   The 11th annual Winnetka Lions Club Art Auction, for the benefit! of the Hadley School for the Blind , will be held Nov. 18 in the grand ballroom ofthe Sheraton-North Shore Inn, 933 Skokie blvd., Northbrook, beginning with preview and cocktails at 6:30 p.m., auction at 8. Over 200 paintings , sculpture, antiques and collectibles have been donated by midwest artists, patrons and galleries.

Manuel Ruiz Pinta con su técnica exclusiva espatula prodigy painter


Prolific Young Painter Inspiration By SUZANNE ALLAN Las Vegas Sun

Las VEGAS Sun _________________________________________ Friday, June 30, 1972                                             Prolific YoungPainter Inspiration MANUEL RUIZ EXPLAIN HIS PAINTING TECHNIQUE ★ ★ ★ By SUZANNE ALLAN Manuel Munoz Ruiz , a pro­lific young painter from Granada , Spain , will be exhibiting and painting this week through Sunday, July 2, at the new Romajenev Galler­ies, 1380 East Sahara Ave ., from noon until 8 p,m. He has been hailed as a genius by Romano Galeffi , one of the 10 men who comprise the World Aesthetic Organiza­tion which meets annually in  London , England , for the World Art. Exhibition. When Ruiz was only 18 years old, he and his father, Dr. Manuel Muñoz Mérida , held a marathon painting exhibition at Mar del Plata , Argentina , at which time they created and sold over 3,000 paintings in four months . Mr. Rui...


COSTA MAGAZINE October 1994 ART  RUIZ OPENS NEW GALLERY IN PUERTO BANUS SPONTANEITY, says Manuel Muñoz Ruiz , is what his art is about. At his new gallery in Puerto Banus, he’ll execute a painting on commission, delivered within the hour. While there’s no obligation to buy, when you watch those broad swathes of the palette knife, you can hardly resist the finished work. Ruiz bills himself as a “pioneer in television art”, because he’s painted pictures in front of a TV camera on more than 800 programmes since 1961. He started as a “child prodigy” at age 11. In the new gallery, Ruiz shows, besides his own works, those by his wife Ana Bella and by his two children, Yaiza and Tairo. Yaiza, 3, according to her dad, has “an incredible sense of colour and movement. I don’t touch anything. She knows what she wants when a painting is done.” Art Studio Ruiz is located at Calle Panaderia 2 (in the Orange Square),Marbella.  The new gallery, open seven days ...


THE NEWS-SUN Lake County's Arts & Entertainment Guide QUICK DRAW From Highland Park to Barcelona , Manuel Ruiz moves fast forward MANUEL Ruiz has a theory about his art: "If I do it in slow motion it won't be the same." So he does it fast — very fast. A painting takes no more than 15 minutes , usually less. It will sell for $10,000 to $100,000 and most of his work is paid for before he touches the paints. "It's whatever I feel at the time." he said. "I look at the canvas and decide what I will do just before I make that first stroke." RUIZ DOES everything fast. He started painting at age 11; was called a genius by the age of 18. He left home when he was 20; became a millionaire before his next birthday. By the age of 28, he had created 20,000 paintings. He arrived in Chicago in  1971 at the age of 24, full of energy and expectations.  "Basically, I wanted to conquer the world with my art," he said. Born...

Public eye Bob Herguth

Chicago Sun-Times , Wednesday, December 15, 1982 Public eye   Bob Herguth Famed artist Manuel Ruiz —his works hang in 57 museums in 14 nations—spent the a.m. giving lessons to more than 200 students at the Sol Crown Magnet School here. The school was "adopted" by Material Service Corp . Manuel asked youngsters what persons they'd like him to paint. They voted for E.T. and PacMan . So Manuel manfully did both, and presented them to the school. LOCAL CELEBS: Spanish painter Manuel Ruiz opened his Ruiz art gallery at 6 S. Michigan . . . . Columnist Ann Gerber autographs her book, Chicago's Classiest Cuisine, at 1 p.m. Saturday in -Neiman-Marcus   on North Michigan, Chicago's Henry A. Scheafer,  UPI veteran, turned 75. He played poker with reporter Jake Lingle the night before mobsters shot Jake. To go to the top click here Public eye

Chicago Tribune Manuel Muñoz Ruiz

What a great weekend, Bud! By Wes Smith and Gabe Fuentes Chicago was a city in celebration Saturday. The day began with water raining on a parade on the South Side and ended with a parade reigning on the water along the lake . Rain showers splattered the city until late morning but gave way to sunshine for all the picnics, pop concerts, ball games, boat festivals, art fairs, lifeguard contests—and even a hellfire and potato salad revival banquet on Peoria Street . The weekend that kicked off with Bruce Springsteen ’s Chicago spin showed little signs of slowing Saturday, according to three opinionated Polls from Milwaukee . “We saw Bruce last night, the lifeguards today,” said Courtney Poll, 22, “and tomorrow it’s the Oak Ridge Boys at Poplar Creek.” “She is going to the Oak Hidge Boys. I don’t think we could handle them after Bruce,” said Daphne Poll, 18, who also spoke for Whitney, 21. The Polls didn’t tell the whole story for Saturday’s lineup of events. They missed...

Manuel Muñoz Ruiz em plena açáo nas ruas da cidad

O JORNAL- 1.0Cad —Página 9 Terça-feira, 2 de setembro de 1969 Manuel Muñoz Ruiz em plena açáo nas ruas da cidade Pintor de rua ganha a afeição do carioca Manuel Muñoz Ruiz — pintor espanhol de 20 anos que trabalha nas ruas de Copacabana. assombrando os cariocas suas pinturas figurativas-impressionistas. completadas em. somente 10 minutos conquistou o Rio. "Minhas vendas têm sido boas, aliás excelentes, e nunca pensei em conquistar a fama tão làpidamente numa grande cidade como esta. Conviver com os cariocas é a maior experiênsia que tive. desde que comecei a pintar aos 12 anos" conta o artista, enquanto dezenas de passantes obervam suas mãos trabalhando com uma espátula. O jovem veio de Mar del Plata Argentina, há sòmente 20 dias. Pretendia ficar no uma semana, "mas nan pude resistir e só irei para os Estados Unidos no fim do proximo mês", afirmou ele. calmo e tranqtilo, apesar de assetnacio por pegsoas que desejam comprar seus quactros. eaoer de su...